October ’12


After Selena and Keith left, we just had time to bottle some wine, and meet some appointments and Ray & Tere arrived for a couple of days and had a very pleasant, uneventful time.

Two days later Cora, Eric and Bella came and stayed overnight on their way back to Bella’s home in Montreal.

Things quieted down for a few weeks, then we did our Niagara thing. My sister Kay is the only member left from my original family, and she is turning 99 in November. She is now in a nursing home and losing her eyesight and hearing, but still has a mind like a steel trap, and we had a wonderful visit and dinner with her in Niagara Falls.

A total of 189 years!

Then we headed to Hamilton to spend a couple of days with Cora & Eric in their wonderful lakefront home. We enjoyed a great lunch on the deck with them and were joined by Ray, Tere and her sister Amelda who had stopped in from Toronto, and Bettys’ niece and her husband from Hamilton. It was great to see them all, if not a bit hectic.

Sunrise, from Cora & Eric’s home.

Things slowed down a bit after this trip and we got back into our normal routine.

Now for any Cornwallites who may stumble onto this page, do you remember this place????

Remember this place??? Bring back memories???

Yes,, it’s Heber’s Steak House on the way to Massena N.Y., now called “The Steak Ranch”.

Betty and I stopped there on the way back from golfing, a week or so ago. It must be 15 years since we’d been there and it hasn’t changed a bit.  Hebert’s daughter runs the place now and she tells us that her father trained her how to cut and age the beef, so the menu is pretty much the same as it was years ago (except for the prices). We shared one order of the prime rib, with extra sides, and everything was spectacular, and with wine was still a very reasonable price.

So now we keep packing and re-packing to prepare for our return to Mexico. We’re on the inaugural WestJet flight to Manzanillo, and are looking forward to not having that stop in Puerto Vallarta, and the four & a half hour bus trip.


Categories: Canada, Listed by Month, October '12 | Leave a comment

Writers block again.

It’s getting time to head back to Mexico, not the time to be updating the blog, but it’s been quite a while since I posted anything! Not that it’s been an uneventful summer around here.

The summer has been HOT, and humid, much like Melaque in the fall . We’ve been out golfing a few times, enjoyed our Friday evenings with Lo and Harry, made our pilgrimage to my hometown of Niagara Falls and had a few visitors.

First was Cora, Eric to make a flying visit on their way back to Hamilton with Bella (their granddaughter).

Then Selena and Kieth stopped for a few days on their cross country trip. We had a blast taking them on a whirlwind trip to Ottawa visiting friends and showing them some of the sites (Ya, we do have a couple) around Cornwall. They had warned us that they were traveling with a camper and trailer,,, but we were a bit surprised when they drove up our street with this outfit..

The Monster Rig!

I was curious to see what was in the trailer and was surprised to find Selena’s 3 wheel motorcycle, Keith’s Harley an ATV and cases of other stuff.

Keith was able to maneuver the rig into our parking area behind the apartment building, where we hooked them up the best we could and they said they enjoyed the time here.

Keith needed a good checkup on the diesel truck, so we dropped it off at a mechanic friend of ours in Moose Creek and continued on to Ottawa. We parked the car at the Redeau Center and walked our butt’s off, visiting the Parliament buildings, the Banknote building, a couple of pubs and restaurants, and of course the girls had to drag us to some shops, Grrrr.

Ottawa’s famous BeaverTails.

Everybody, who visits Ottawa has to try a BeaverTail!

Dancing in front of the Parliament Buildings.

I guess it feels good to be near your money,,, LOL.

Great weather for an outdoor patio.

Before heading back, we stopped for supper in the Byward Market.

We also spent most of a day visiting  “Upper Canada Village”  a recreated 1890’s village, complete with people acting and operating implements in the costumes of the day.

Practicing for a play.

While we were there we came upon a bunch of school kids rehearsing for a presentation for the following day.

If you want more information about the village, here is a link;

> http://www.uppercanadavillage.com/index.cfm/en/home/<

After of four pretty hectic days here they packed up and headed for the east coast.

Hopefully we’ll get the next installment up soon, to be continued;


Categories: Canada, Listed by Month, October '12 | Leave a comment

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