November ’12

Here I sit.

Well, here I sit waxing philosophically at the sun setting behind the clouds.

A view from the roof.

Within my view is the modern technology of cell phone towers, the rolling hills toward the Oriental Madras mountains, the sliver of a moon, I can hear the music of Mexico past and the new sounds of the modern age. Within a two hour drive we can visit the remains of a civilization three thousand years old, 300 year old theaters and buildings that have seen revolutions and wars. And closer than that, we have a brand new “Sam’s Club”.

Within a four block area, we can spend hours on the beach or take in a transvestite show, enjoy so many different types of cuisine, it makes your mouth water or just sit in the town square and watch the parade of humanity go by.

Some, wonder why we choose to spend our winters here in Mexico, what can I say, we love the country, the people and the life-style.

We live among the Mexicans here in Melaque, they have taken us into their community and become our friends. No, we haven’t forgotten our Canadian friends, both here and back in Canada, not by a long shot, but we couldn’t be happier anywhere else in the world.

This morning, Betty went to an exercise class while I caught up on some of the mundane loose ends of closing up our Cornwall apartment for six months, like putting the internet on seasonal disconnect and reducing the insurance on the car and having our neighbour do some checking in the apartment.

We walked up town and bought some fresh sarangola (fish), for supper, and had to wait as the vendor (who is a son-in-law of our landlord) filleted it for us (yup it’s fresh), Betty had to also buy some huge shrimp, to be used later.

As usual, on the way back we stop here and there to say hi to so many of the local shopkeepers, who are all so friendly, and we try to communicate in our pitiful Spanish and they try their English, but they never look down on us when we use the wrong words or phrases, they just try to help. It sure makes you feel welcome.

After a lunch of “casadias” that Betty makes so good, we have a little rest and jump in the car and head to Cihuatlan, the county seat about 20 minutes south on Hwy 200 (the coastal highway). Here we can find some of the things we can’t get here in our little fishing village.

A stop at “Coppell” a Mexican department store, to get me a couple of new summer shirts and then to the “Bodega” a mini Wall-Mart, where we pick up some flower fertilizer, wine and a few other odds and sods, we find hard to get here.

On the way home we stopped at a local nursery, to pick up some potting soil and a rosebush.

And now, after our wonderful supper of fresh fish with rice, boiled with chopped carrots and pepper, I’ve come up to our rooftop get-a-way and relax.

Later it’s some TV and to bed for the most relaxing sleep. Sure it’s hot and muggy, but we splurged two years ago and have A/C in the bedroom, you can’t give up all the modern conveniences.

Next, “our 9 days without phone or internet”.

Categories: Listed by Month, Mexico, November '12 | Leave a comment

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