November ’11

I won !!!!!!

Hola Amigos;
We had our usual Saturday night, “Texas holdem poker” do, last night, and for a change I was the overall winner,,, Yeaaaaaa! Jean was second, I was not doing very well till the last hand and caught the river card for a straight, and a big pot.
We got pizza from a new restaurant, down the street, baked in a huge wood fired oven, and it was great. Two huge pepperoni, pizzas, enough for 8 people, with 2 pieces left over for 160 pesos, (about $12.00).

Che’z Cedric
Huge oven

I looks like a really nice place, and we’ll have to try it soon.

The weather has cooled quite a bit since the full moon, and we haven’t had the AC on for over a week now, still sunny and 30, day and 23 at night,,, Kinda nice,,, hehehe.
We’re going to spend some time this afternoon at the beach, just relax, read and sun.

Here’s a bulletin,,, beep, beep, beep,,, I was lurking in the bowels of this “blog” program, and I think you may now be able to post comments without joining some damn forum, or something.
So please give it a try and let me know what you would like to see or hear.
Till next time;

Categories: Listed by Month, Mexico, November '11 | 1 Comment

Another update

Hello out there,,,,,
Well,,, we went to Cihuatlan yesterday and picked up the car, it looks good except for a couple of stains on the hood. Juan, (the mechanic, shop owner) said they were from bird poop on the fresh paint from last spring, and the hood would have to be repainted. So we have to take it in again next Monday for another 24 hours.
On the trip down, we met a Mexican family of sisters and daughters who were very, very friendly, they got off the bus at the same stop as us and the youngest girl, with the cutest smile you have ever seen came and found us at the body shop and hung around us. Betty told me later, she thinks the mother asked is we would take her daughter back with us to Canada. Let me tell you, “that ain’t gonna happen”!
We then went to Manzanillo to shop for a camera and TV stand.
After checking Wall-Mart and a couple of other stores we stopped in for lunch at a nice deli, next door to “Office Depot” and decided to try our luck there. Wow,,, they are having a sale,, yaeee,
I bought a “Fugifilm JV200” (which is the newer replacement of my “lost” one) for 1024 Pesos.
That works out to about $75.00, I think I paid about $150 for the old one. This one uses the same battery and cords as the old one, so now I have spares. But I still had to buy an SD card.
Then off to “Coppel”, (another big box store, mostly furniture and clothes).
We got a flyer from them and saw a TV stand for about sixty bucks that looked like what we wanted. They didn’t have any in stock at that store, but could have one shipped to us next Thursday from Guadalajara.  We’ll keep you posted on that one,,, LOL.
Anyhow it’s “Tiengue” market day, so we’ll go have a look,,,, Hahahah, Look?????

Categories: Listed by Month, Mexico, November '11 | Leave a comment

The good and the bad

Well, now that I have your attention,,,,,,

We are all well, happy and hot here. The weather has been just a bit hotter than usual for this time of year, but it has started to cool down at nights now, supposed to get down to 21 later in the week.
The “good”, is that on Saturday evening we were driving friends to the “Pot luck” poker game at Leigh & Barry’s and when I got out of the car, my camera fell out of my pocket onto the road.
I didn’t even notice it but when I came back to the car a neighbour lady from across the street came over with the camera. Whoa,,, all is well in this world.
I came in second at our poker table, so I got my money back,,, not too bad…
And now the bad,,,,
Today, Monday, we took the car to Cihuatlan (pronounced Zywatlan) to have a chip fixed on the new paint job and have a polish applied to the whole car, at the body shop that did the job last fall.
The Boop and I then took a walk around the town, looking at the progress on the cleanup.
Most of the stores on the main street had 4 to 6 feet of water in them during the hurricane Jova,, so they are slowly getting restocked. The resiliency of these people is just amazing.
We walked up to the cathedral to have a look inside and take some pictures, as in most Catholic churches there is more money in the church than in the whole county, very beautiful.
We took the 2nd class bus back to Melaque, as the car won’t be ready till tomorrow, and I took some pictures to show Len Tapp the “high quality” of the buses here… LOL.
Well guess what???? as I was getting off the bus, the camera must of fallen out of my pocket, (dumb or dumber)?
We walked home and waited an hour for that same bus to make his next trip and I went back to where we got off, and after 4 buses went by, the same bus (I could tell, it had the same holes in the floor) arrived and in my “spanglish” consulted the driver if someone had found a camera, he suggested I look around, but no camera was found.
So you win some and lose some.
So now I have a call out to Cora & Eric and Lynda (my daughter) who are all on their way from the US., to see if they can pick me up a new camera, they are quite a bit more expensive here.

I hope this finds everybody happy and healthy back in the “not too cold” north. Enjoy it while you can,,,, Hehehe.
Austa Luega Amigos;

Categories: Listed by Month, Mexico, November '11 | Leave a comment

Cornwall Parties 2

I guess there is a limit to the number of pictures you can display on a page.
So here are a couple more.
With Lo & Harry in the “Finger Lakes” N.Y.
And in Vegas
At Cora & Eric’s with Bella, Tere & Ray (sorry for the cut off, Ray)

Categories: Canada, Listed by Month, November '11 | Leave a comment

Cornwall Parties part 1

Before we left for our winter home, we enjoyed a few parties with family and friends.

A small part of Betty’s family.

A B.B.Q. at Judi & Dan’s
With Marilyn & Gary and “man eating” flower.
Birthday at Sue & Len’s
Halloween at our house, a month early.
Part of the “gang” at Judi & Dan’s
And now at Therese & Garry’s

Categories: Canada, Listed by Month, November '11 | 1 Comment


I got a call today, asking when I was going to update,,, well here it is,,,, LOL.
I was able to add a couple of pictures of the flooding at Cihuatlan, they’re at the bottom of the previous post.
It’s still pretty hot and humid here, although it’s getting a little cooler at night, down to 24C.
Quite a few more whitey’s in town since Nov 1st. so we have been kinda busy helping folks get moved in and setting up satellite dishes & receivers.

The crews cleaning the beach have made wonderful progress.
Here are a couple of pictures.


Chelie, (the grocer across the street) is building a new place kitty corner from his store,
It looks like it will be quite different from the old place, here are a couple of guys working on the 4th. floor palapa roof. Anybody want to help????

Wellllll, I hope this satisfies your hunger for news,,, I promise I’ll try and do better next time;

Categories: Listed by Month, Mexico, November '11 | Leave a comment

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