February ’12

We are back from Colima (part 4,) the end.

We awoke to another bright day with a few wispy clouds, (the weather forecast had warned of thunderstorms, ha) breakfast in the hotel again and pack the car, now the trunk is full with all our purchases.

We want to spend some time in the main square area in the daylight, so we head into town with two maps and the GPS,,,, sure, we’re not lost,,, we just can’t find the parking garage we’re looking for. After a couple of tries, lo and behold, it’s right in front of us,,, yeaaaa! The garage is attached to a shopping complex, and we have to walk through it to get to the street. Ya,, right through the women’s clothes, we made it out, but I know we have to go back through to get back to the car. In the downtown old section there are the cultural buildings, museums, cathedral, government offices, art galleries many, many stores of local art and “leveright”. We spent about an hour walking around the “Government palace”, built in 1877, which is now mostly a museum and houses the history of the Mexican fight for independence, among other displays.


The Cathedral

After a walk around the square and the street of the artisans, “Constitution Alley” we decide on lunch on the sidewalk in front of the Hotel Ceballos which was built in 1771. Wonderful food and people watching and back through the shopping centre to the car.


Betty, one of the fountains in the park and the Hotel Ceballos in the background.

A fairly uneventful trip home, unpack the car, a light supper, some TV and into bed exhausted again, by 10:30 and that wonderful sleep in your own bed,  we didn’t wake up till almost 9 AM.

All in all, another wonderful adventure in Mexico. What’s next????


Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

We are back from Colima (part 3)

Another bright sunny day wakes us for more adventures. Breakfast in the hotel dining room and we pack some water in the cooler and head to the archeological digs a few miles from the hotel. Betty and I first visited these ruins in 1995 and they were just starting to realize just what they had uncovered while excavating for a Wall-Mart store. They have now expropriated 137 acres around the area and have unearthed a huge city, and that’s only about a tenth of the area. When we asked an attendant if there was any excavation going on, he said they do most of it during the rainy season, when mud can be easily washed off.

They still don't know how far they go.


How's that for a contrast in culture,,, the cell phone tower is actually about a half mile away.

After an hour or more in the hot sun we jump back into the car for the trip to Comala. In ’95 when Betty and I had been here on a tour, we had been taken to a little village of Nogueros, that has a fantastic museum of artifacts from excavations in the area. The people in the village still use utensils that are the same as the ones used in this area 2000 years ago. Pedro, one of the bellhops at the hotel told us he was from there and how to find it. Well we took a turn at a sign indicating Nogueros, but, it was a back road and it seemed as though it hadn’t been used much since the hurricane Jova. After dodging potholes you could lose the car in and boulders and tree roots that threatened to come through the floorboards, we came to a hill that looked about one hundred feet almost straight down to an almost dry river bed. I had to swallow my pride and turn around and bounce the two, or so, miles back to the main road. We did find the proper road into the town, but the girls vetoed the idea on trying it. We continued the short distance to Comala and parked the car in a bit of shade and walked to the square which is famous for it’s botaneros. A botanero is a variation of a canteena, where the workers would go and drink, relax and find female companionship and the propriators would supply the food “botanas” which are small portions of fried tacos, enchiladas, crevice tostadas, cheeses, and salads, for free. Now the botaneros are mostly storefront establishments, and they each try and outdo the others with their offering of botanas. The one we stopped at gave us three varieties on the first tray, then another three on the second and then a plate of fresh fruit, all for 400 pesos and 2 or 3 beers each for the four of us. All this while sitting in the shade, looking out at the beautiful town square, with its fountains and trees and flowers.

While John stayed and had more food, Betty, Mary and I went off to find the coffee processor place, a couple of blocks away. We lucked out again, and got there just as a group from a cruise ship, that was docked in Manzanillo were starting a tour. We were able to join them and the owner of the place explained how the beans were dried on his roof in the sun, then shovelled down into the husker, then roasted. He offered us fresh unroasted beans to smell, (no smell at all) and then to taste the beans mild, roasted 30 minutes and the strong, roasted 50 minutes. As he explained, the flavour and aroma comes out in the roasting. Of course we bought a pound of each and now we have to find a coffee grinder here, but that’s another story.

Mary & Betty with the owner,,, that's the husker in the background.

We headed back to the hotel for a nap and woke up about 5:30, had a shower and Betty and I took a cab back to the mall and had supper at “Applebees” for American style food for a change. Mary and John decided to stay at the hotel and have supper in the restaurant. After supper, the Boop and I took an extensive walk around the mall, found a food court with McDonald’s, Subway, Pizza just like up north. We had to step out of the way of a small train that caries youngsters around the upper level of the mall, whistle blowing and all. Back to the hotel about 9:30, chat and nightcaps and into bed about 10:30 exhausted again.

And there is more to come,,,


Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | 1 Comment

We are back from Colima (part 2)

Our first day started by loading the car and heading to Colima, no problems other than a couple of nasty topas (speed bumps) that cleaned off the bottom of the Echo. The traffic wasn’t bad at all and we stopped at the toll booth and had the tasty Tuna sandwiches that Mary supplied. As we got to the highway bypass at Colima we discovered that the whole thing is being updated, with new overpasses and detours. Well,,, unfortunately we found ourselves almost downtown before we could find somebody that gave us correct directions to our hotel.

The courtyard between sections of the hotel.

Anyhow we were checked in to our rooms and relaxing with drinks and munchies by 2:30. We decided to take a cab and check out the “Liverpool” Mall and “Home Depot” next door. I got a hose, hanger and nozzle for our terazzo, but most everything was way more expensive than at the local hardware stores. At the mall Betty found perfume she was looking for and I was able to buy some Glucosomine that I haven’t been able to get here in town. The mall is pretty big and they are expanding it to include a “Sears”, but about half of the stores are empty,,, go figure. The area around the mall seems to be undergoing massive construction projects, so I guess someone expects the area to thrive. We grabbed another cab and went to the Super Wall-Mart down town, bought a bunch of stuff that is hard to find here in town.

Waiting for our supper.


We had supper at the hotel dining room, very good food, but a little pricy, almost Canadian prices. We then grabbed a taxi to center town to wander around one of the the Jardins (town square) and take in the sites and sounds of Mexico. There are many, many Jardins in Colima, each with a historical theme, you could spend days just exploring these parks. Nothing too exciting going on, as it was Wednesday, but the atmosphere of 300 year old buildings, people strolling in the park, the smells of foods being prepared outside on the storefront cafes is what makes me love this place. A look inside one of the museums and the grand cathedral, I wanted to visit the Hidalgo Theater which was built in 1871 and we had seen it in the daylight the last time Betty and I drove back in 2009. As we approached the theater we were ushered in to see a Historical presentation of the “Conquest of Colima” being put on by the special education department of the Colima school system. An attendant found us seats on the second level balcony and as we entered through the velvet drapes we were surprised to find that this portion of the play was performed by children and young adults with hearing and speaking problems and they were all using sign language and when there was a break the audience showed their appreciation by waving their hands back and forth, we and a few others quickly stopped clapping, it was very emotional. We stayed for another couple of performances and because we didn’t understand most of what was going on in Spanish, we thanked our hosts and took our leave.

Just part of this fantastic theater, there are five balconies.

It never ceases to amaze me, how the Mexican people will take us strangers in and give us their warm hospitality. We always seem to luck into something or someplace to experience things we just never could find around Cornwall.

A cab back to the hotel about ten o’clock and we fall into bed exhausted.

More tomorrow,,, I hope.


Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | 1 Comment

We are back from Colima (part 1)

This is gonna take a while, so I’m starting backwards with a summary.

We had a wonderful 3 days and 2 nights with Mary & John, in Colima, a very beautiful old, University city of about 150,000 people with two volcanoes just outside of town, one dormant, with snow on top and the other active with smoke coming out all the time.

Colima is located about a hundred miles north of Melaque at just under 2000 feet in the “Sierra Oriental” mountains.

We stayed at the Mission Hotel on the outskirts of the city and took taxis wherever we wanted to go. Most of our trips cost us 30 pesos, about $2.50. The downtown area is typical Mexican 300 year old layout, with narrow streets and very little parking, not where I like to drive.

We went to archeological digs, restaurants, museums, botanaros, a coffee processor and of course, got lost,,,, LOL, Oh and of course,,, shopping malls.

For those of you who have driven to Colima, the landmark of the “obscene monument” has been moved. We were looking for it for our turn towards our hotel, and there was a couple of cranes and TV news camera crews around the statue, and we couldn’t find out if they were moving it or burying it.

Wonder why the name????

This is a file picture, as this whole area is now covered in a new highway overpass with on & off ramps.

Over the next few days, I’ll try and put the pictures together and find some prose to accompany them to make it interesting.

Right now I have to go up to our terazzo and tend the plants.


Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

The sun returned.

After a week of little or no sun, folks were getting a “little” testy, to say the least, but things are returning to normal, (whatever that might be).

Our Valentines dinner dance at the “Gran Bay Golf & Country Club” was an adventure, to say the least. The moonlight ride to the island wasn’t on a pontoon boat (as advertised) but on one of the local fishing “Pangas” and there was no moon,  still daylight and cloudy, LOL. The ride from the dock, (as advertised) didn’t show up, so we walked the quarter mile, or so, to the club house. we didn’t mind the walk and I got some nice pictures of a couple of the holes along the way.

I wonder how many balls have been dropped into this bay???

Hazards anyone???

Looking towards the club house.

We got ourselves seated with pleasant people we hadn’t met before, but next to others we have known for several years. We then ordered some outrageously priced drinks (but, remember this is a fundraiser for the Rotary club), and looked at the “silent auction” tables overloaded with “leveright”. Of course Betty had to bid on some, and ended up buying more “stuff”, one was a vase made of pine needles, quite amazing.

This is only about half of the patio.

As you can see in the picture, the tables were set up in the open patio area, really spectacular, but the wind came up and it sure looked for a while that we would get drenched an frozen,,, (well, at 24 degrees it felt like it). I guess the gods took pity on us folks and it soon calmed down and warmed up.

The meal was fantastic, choice of beef, chicken or fish with beautifully prepared salads and e-dente (raw, in my mind) vegis and desert. It was an expensive evening, but it was for a good cause. (Does it sound like I’m trying to convince somebody???)

This was followed by the draws for door prizes, 50-50 and a regular auction, then dancing under the “no” moonlight skies.

Back on the water taxi about 10:30 and safely home by 11:00.

We finally got the roof on our terrazzo and we are slowly getting Betty’s flowers up and planted, (pictures when it’s done).

The poker party was at Leigh & Bary’s last night and Betty came in second at her table, and I didn’t at mine,,,, LOL.

Going for supper at Jean and Eddies tonight and for our belated trip to Colima with Mary & John later this week.

Till next time;


Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

OK, OK, OK, so I had a birthday!

Thank you, everybody for the good wishes.

Our first choice was “Roosters”, but I saw an ad for a “quiet” music group playing at “Senor Froys”, and that was decided upon. BUT it rained and the band didn’t want to play on the wet floor, so we had a wonderful meal and a few (maybe too many) drinks, but no dancing.

We had everybody over for munchies before going to the restaurant.

A few of the folks.

A few more.

At the party.

More party.

My cake,,, thank you, Betty.

Even though it's raining, we still get some pretty nice sunsets.

The rain has everybody hunkered down, very unusual weather, and some of the streets are still under water, but.

Some people don't let a little shower stop them.

We finally got the roof on our terrazzo, now we just have to get the sun screens and eves troughs put up.

I’m taking Betty to the “Rotary” benefit Valentines, dinner-dance at the “Gran Bay” golf club tonight, boating over from Barra De Navadad. Hope it clears up for a moonlight ride.



Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

O. M. G. winter is ruined?

For the second time in 27 years it is raining in Melaque, and on my birthday too!

Two years ago we were here when it rained also, this time it has been raining on and off for two days, and they forecast for a couple more. It’s the longest time we haven’t seen the sun in all the years we’ve been here.. Oh well, at least we don’t have to shovel it, and it sure has gotten rid of the dust. Guess it’s a good day for updating this blog and lazing around in the house, Oh I’m afraid I’m gonna lose my tan,,, LOL.

Jorge, the “steel man” got the frame for our terrazzo put up before it started raining, but we’re not sure when he’ll get the roof on.

Looks kind naked yet.

We’re having folks over for cocktails and munchies this evening, and then to Senor Froy’s for supper and some “quiet” music for dancing. We’ll see, and report later.

Thanks to all for the birthday wishes.


Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | 3 Comments

The Colima trip that didn’t. (part two)

The best laid plans etc.,,

Wednesday morning we have a nice breakfast with Cora and Eric in the hotel restaurant and head the short walk to the immigration office, I get my FM3, in about 25 minutes and another 30 minutes later Betty has the paperwork done for her’s and she just has to walk the 15 minutes to the bank to pay the fee. As we had to pass the hotel again, we stopped in and Piero has an update on the car. It seems they can’t get it started, so I figure its the auto-start-theft protection system, acting up again.

After 20 minutes on the phone, we figure that’s not the problem, so they decide to try some other diagnostics. Finally by 3:30 in the afternoon they discover that one of the new parts is defective and a safety program in the car keeps shutting off the engine. By this time we have decided that we aren’t going to make it to Colima, and Piero makes a few phone calls and get’s our reservations changed. We now have reservations in Colima for Feb, 23rd.

The Zar hotel from the malecon, (how about those metal geckos?)

After spending a relaxing afternoon by the pool and taking a snooze, we grab a taxi with Cora & Eric to the shop and pick up the car. The mechanic apologizes for the delay and the fact that they could only replace one coil, and has cleaned the car inside, outside and shampooed the motor. The bill is 800 pesos, 600 for the part and 200 labour, (that’s about $75.00) for the part and about 6 hours work, I gave him 900 P. and mucho, mucho gracius. The car is now running great, but I now have to order two coils and replace the old ones.

We head to Santiago and have a wonderful meal, steaks, baked potato and boiled onion in a kinda high end restaurant, again wonderful ambiance, service and food, probably the best steak I’ve ever had in Mexico.

We take a leisurely drive back to the hotel, relax for a bit and hit the sheets for a much more relaxed sleep.

Thursday morning it’s breakfast again in the hotel, (buffet this time), pack the car and start the trip home. After another stop at the shopping center for things that aren’t readily available in Melaque, and lunch at our favourite Deli, we head home, with a stop along the way to pick up some new plants for our terrazzo, which is supposed to be installed this week (ya sure!).

After emptying the car and cleaning up a bit, we decided, we’re to tired to make supper so we went to “Seamasters” in Barra for their famous ribs and enjoyed another wonderful meal and were presented with this sunset.

Sunset over the "Bay of Christmas".

All is well, now, and we are ready for our next adventure??


Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

The Colima trip that didn’t. (Part 1)

On Tuesday. just after noon we packed up the car and headed to Manzanillo to stay overnight at the new Zar Hotel near the immigration office, I have to pick up my FM3 and Betty to reapply for hers.  All was going well till we got into Manzanillo traffic, when the car started it’s chug-a-chug again and I figure we have the same problem with an ignition coil. After a short shopping stop at Wall-Mart and a jog across the street to Office Depot to exchange a lamp, we made our way to the hotel.

The lobby, with Piero & Mierene.

This place is great, brand new and sparkling clean. Our contact, Piero isn’t on duty, but as he seems to be the only one who speaks English, the desk clerk phones him and in he comes.

Beam me up Scotty.

This place has some of the newest techno- advanced gadgets you can find. The shower has a control panel that has a phone (that doesn’t work) switches for the light, fan, radio (does work) and other things we never did figure out. The water comes from the ceiling like rain, but no where to stand to soap up. Fancy, but I guess I’m getting old and crotchety.

We soon discover that Piero is a treasure, he makes sure all our needs are met with a smile, and when I explain the problem with the car, he makes a phone call and jumps in the car with me and off we go to his favourite mechanic with the promise “he is no bandito”. It’s about a 25 minute drive to his “shop”, a kinda roof over part of a lot with about 25 cars in various states of repair, in a residential neighbourhood. After a couple of minutes “yes it is the same problem ignition coil”. By now it’s 5 PM and it’s going to be a rush to get the part so they can install it in the morning, so we can be on our way to Colima. When I had asked the mechanic in Melaque if I should replace all the coils, he had told me the original coils were better than the replacements, (I shoulda known better). Oh well, live and learn. Anyhow, they can get the part for the morning and I request that the order 3, and replace the remaining coils.

We leave the car and take a taxi back to the hotel and meet up with Cora & Eric and it’s after 7 o’clock by the time we clean up and get a taxi into old Manzanillo to find a nice place to celebrate Eric and my birthdays (his just past and mine , yet to come). We didn’t have to go very far to a Chinese restaurant, we had seen before, but weren’t sure was still open. It is located on the malecon and it was open and the food was fantastic and very plentiful, if just a little unconventionally served.

Here we are, ready to go with our spring rolls.

Betty and Eric had ordered spring rolls and we had just about finished all our meals when the waitress brings two plates with the biggest spring rolls we all had ever seen, (somebody please call the Guinness book or records). Although we were pretty stuffed, the four of us tried to consume one of the rolls and they were the best any of us had ever tasted, evidently, they were freshly made while we were eating the rest of our food. We took a leisurely stroll with the rest of the spring rolls in a doggy bag, back along the malecon to the hotel and fell exhausted into bed about 10:30.

The Manzanillo waterfront from our table.

To be continued;


Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

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