Our 9 days without phone or internet.

So,,,,, it’s only been a little over two months since my last entry!

Sometimes I just can’t seem to get the words out, or maybe the word “lazy” comes to mind????

Although it’s old news, now, we sure had an experience getting hooked up this year.

In the spring, when we leave, we have to return the modem to Manzanillo to stop the internet while we are up north. In the fall, when we return, we have to go back to Manzanillo to pick up a new one,,, Why???? no one knows!

Anyhow we made the trip, applied for the reconnection, and also reported, that our phone wasn’t working. “All will be fixed in 48 hours” they said. After 3 days and no service, we called again and “manana” they said. This continued for 3 more days, by this time we’re getting a little upset, as we were going up the street to our neighbours anytime we wanted to call or email. On the ninth day I was in no mood to talk to anybody, so Betty (my hero) walks uptown to the telephone central office and knocks on the door and a repairman invites her in. She explains the situation and shows him our work order and he says he will be here in ten minutes,,, well Betty had stopped a repairman on the street the day before and he had said the same thing,,, so up goes her back, and she NO, the repairman does a double take and says OK get into the truck and we will go right now. Now, we realize there are five, 26 Pedro Moreno addresses in the area, and this guy drives right past our street, Betty corrects him and about a half hour later, we get our phone and internet working. Something we can look forward to again next season.

It’s not that nothing has happened in the last two months, we’ve been out to dinner quite a few times, enjoyed many evenings with friends, visits to the central square, trips to Manzanillo for shopping and “extended visitor” paperwork.

A wedding,

This is how they "tie the knot" in a Mexican wedding.

This is how they “tie the knot” in a Mexican wedding.

Ofilia, our cleaning lady and her husband had been married in a civil ceremony while he was in the army. They decided to have a church wedding and we were honoured to be invited.

With the happy couple.

With the happy couple, she isn’t that much taller, just high heels.

A couple of birthday parties, Christmas dinner,

Enjoying the view, weather and friends before Christmas dinner in Barra de Navadad, "Christmas Bay".

Enjoying the view, weather and friends before Christmas dinner in Barra de Navadad, “Christmas Bay”.

New Years eve celebration,

Here we are sending a Chinese lantern afloat from Lee & Barry's roof on New Years Eve.

Here we are sending a Chinese lantern afloat from Lee & Barry’s roof on New Years Eve.

and there it goes, off into the night sky.

and there it goes, off into the night sky.

and we, hosted our first Mexican New Years Levy.

Most of the folks at the Levy, couldn't get everybody in.

Most of the folks at the Levy, couldn’t get everybody in.

But we still haven’t spent a whole day at the beach.

Now we are in the process of arranging a Mexican-Canadian birthday party for my 80th. Hopefully I’ll report on that soon.

Categories: Dec '12 - Jan '13, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

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