The terrible 4 letter word.

Well, we arrived home last Friday evening, after being picked up by our best friends,
Loraine & Harry.
We enjoyed a great meal in Ottawa then a pleasant drive to Cornwall. 
Our trip from Melaque was mostly uneventful, with the bus ride to P. V., 
overnight at the Holiday Inn Resort (really nice).

A view from our room.

Yup,,, that's Betty waving from our room.

Our West-Jet flight to Calgary was fine, but when we got there, Ohhhh Boy, welcome 
to Canada and COLD. 
We had booked at the 8 Days Inn Airport, and the place is nice, but out in the 
boonies, so we walked the quarter mile or so to "Earls" Steak House for our first 
taste of Alberta beef. The place was very nice (a tad expensive) but the steak was 
"just" fine.(We had another on the BBQ here on Wednesday, and it was spectacular.) 
As it was now almost eleven o'clock, the walk back to the hotel was 
bone chilling and it took a while to stop shivering.
Our flight to Ottawa left at 11AM and we were entertained by a flight steward who 
was as funny as most stand-up comics I've seen in a long while.

Funny guy.

On most flights, nobody pays attention to the safety message, well everybody was 
watching this guy and laughing their heads off. We were sitting in the front seats, 
so we were entertained the whole trip.
Saturday was spent unpacking sorting, answering phone calls and shopping for 
groceries, another shock to the system,,, the produce just isn't the same and the 
prices,,, Arrrrrg. 
Loraine  & Harry had us over to their place for supper and a game of "Tock" and 
we came home early, exhausted.
Sunday was spent at Diane & Paul's celebrating the "Raisin river canoe race" 
(no we didn't participate),,, Lol  just had brunch, conversation, burgers on the 
BBQ and a little Texas hold-em poker. 

Now the BAD part,,,,,,,Monday morning we woke up to six inches of 
(the dreaded 4 letter word) snow, which lasted till Wednesday,,, for sure, 
this fall we're heading south latter and returning after all the snow has gone.
I’ll try and get a few more minutes together soon, to fill in all the blanks that 
I missed.
Categories: April '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

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