Odds and Ends.

Well it’s getting down to the wire, as we have started packing and storing in earnest.

With just four more full days till we leave, we are in the process of figuring how much food we can use up, give away or throw out. Anything that is prone to rust has to be packed in sealed containers and stored in our storage area as the humidity in the summer here is extreme. Clothes and linens, likewise are packed into large plastic totes and sealed.

Today we went around prepaying the rent, phone and electricity.

There aren’t too many folks left here as a lot of them rent till the end of March and have to leave, by the end of April we only know of four who will still be here.

Leigh, Barry, Liz, Ann, and the Boop and I had a poker night last Wednesday and plan the last one of the season for Monday without Ann, as she left yesterday this will be at our house and will be a “clean-out the fridge” pot luck.

Went to the Isla Navadad Golf club for supper last night with Tere & Ray, we used to go several times a year in the past, when there weren’t so many good places to eat here, they used to have fantastic steaks, but they just, didn’t seem up to par last night.

Looking at Barra de Navadad from the lagoona.

Ray drove us to Barra and we took the water taxi over to the island and back, these “Pangas” are amazingly seaworthy craft, they are double hulled, fiberglass and the Mexicans take them 30  or more miles out to sea.

Betty (as usual) was able to find a critter to cuddle.

All in all another wonderful evening, but I’m still looking forward to the “Alberta” beef on Thursday in Calgary. Tonight we are having Debby & Jerry over for BBQ pork chops and Cora & Eric Sunday for left-over seafood linguine, and that should use up most of the perishables.

The other night we made our usual trek to the town square to people watch (and get a soft ice-cream) and this mime was performing for change, he sure had the locals and many tourists enthralled. When someone dropped a coin into the pail he would mechanically move about and hand you a slip of paper with your fortune on it.

Betty and the mime.

Oh ya, we had another “shake, rattle & roll” (earthquake) the other day, I think it was a 6.7 or thereabout, but it was a couple of hundred miles from here and about 18 miles deep. I was sitting here at the computer, and the room and the table started shaking back and forth about an inch, or so and it felt like I was on a swing, it lasted for about ten seconds but the ceiling fan was swaying back and forth for quite a while afterwards, of course all the neighbours ran out onto the street. Believe it or not we’re actually, (kinda) getting used to them.

For those who didn’t get the Email, we leave here on Wednesday, overnight in Puerto Vallarta. On Thursday it’s off to Calgary, where we have our Alberta steak with Rene & Don then on to Ottawa, Friday in time for supper with Loraine and Harry. So this will probably be the last update from Melaque this season.

We’re looking forward to seeing all our NOB friends in the next few weeks.

Happy trails to all;





Categories: April '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

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