Weather, Boots and goat.

I missed a few.

While sorting photos for other posts, I discovered some things I was planning to write about.

The weather,,, was about the unusual Chinook in Ontario last month, it was the same temperature there as here, which is a little strange, to say the least. This is a screen shot of my weather channel for La Barra de Navadad on March 21st.

It has been a bit strange winter here too, with rain in February and unusually cool air and sea, now. The place is full of Mexicans from inland, and they are here to enjoy the sun and sea. Unfortunately there has been more than our share of cloudy days with the temp in the mid twenties and only in the high teens at night, and I’ve been told the water temp is only 20 when it’s normally about 30, this time of year. We all know what it’s like to travel to the shore for some R. & R. and get bad weather, bummer!

These boots ain't made for walkin'!!!

These boots are on sale on the street here, anybody want a pair????

And goat.

The mother in law, Conrado's wife, Conrado and us.

We took our landlord, his wife and mother-in-law out for dinner recently to a very Mexican restaurant in Cihuatlan in appreciation for all the extra things he does for us. This eatery opens at eleven each morning (except Fridays) and closes when the food is gone, usually about two, and all they serve is goat. The stew, cheese and milk is all produced from goats. This is a Mexican specialty, as those who have tried it will agree, it’s great, and those who haven’t, have a treat in store.

Less than two weeks left, and the packing begins,,,, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Categories: April '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

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