We are back from Colima (part 1)

This is gonna take a while, so I’m starting backwards with a summary.

We had a wonderful 3 days and 2 nights with Mary & John, in Colima, a very beautiful old, University city of about 150,000 people with two volcanoes just outside of town, one dormant, with snow on top and the other active with smoke coming out all the time.

Colima is located about a hundred miles north of Melaque at just under 2000 feet in the “Sierra Oriental” mountains.

We stayed at the Mission Hotel on the outskirts of the city and took taxis wherever we wanted to go. Most of our trips cost us 30 pesos, about $2.50. The downtown area is typical Mexican 300 year old layout, with narrow streets and very little parking, not where I like to drive.

We went to archeological digs, restaurants, museums, botanaros, a coffee processor and of course, got lost,,,, LOL, Oh and of course,,, shopping malls.

For those of you who have driven to Colima, the landmark of the “obscene monument” has been moved. We were looking for it for our turn towards our hotel, and there was a couple of cranes and TV news camera crews around the statue, and we couldn’t find out if they were moving it or burying it.

Wonder why the name????

This is a file picture, as this whole area is now covered in a new highway overpass with on & off ramps.

Over the next few days, I’ll try and put the pictures together and find some prose to accompany them to make it interesting.

Right now I have to go up to our terazzo and tend the plants.


Categories: February '12, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

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