Christmas night.

Well Christmas Eve started at Sylvia & Jean’s as planned, after a great dinner of tourtier, salads, munchies, crepes, cake, fudge, wine and beer, we waddled to the poker tables and played for two hours. I must interject here that I got my first ever “Royal Flush”. It was a good pot, because there were 5 clubs on the flop and two other people held another club and were discussing who won when I turned over a Jack which made the Royal Flush. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Anyhow I ended up the winner at our table and took home the 200 Pesos.

A kinda happy guy.

It was about ten o’clock when we drove home and noticed that all the businesses were closing up shop, and lots of people were milling about in the streets.

When we got home the Mexican family across the street were having their Christmas party in the street with most of the neighbours. They asked us to join them and at first we declined.

The kids get to break pinattas for candies and peanuts.

It is absolutely amazing how our Mexican neighbours have accepted us into their community and we feel honoured. So after a little considering (not to mention that the noise from fireworks and blaring stereos) we decided to join the party. By midnight and after several drinks and the offers of a multitude of wonderful smelling dishes, we decided to visit our landlord, Conrado, and his family around the corner, where another equally loud party was in progress another drink and more offers of tasty dishes, we headed home about 1:30 AM to try and get some sleep, yea, sure.

All around town there were the same type of neighbourhood parties going on and went on till about 4:30 AM. Some of the rockets sounded as if they landed in our bedroom, but I think we finally nodded off about 2:30 or so.

Sunday, Christmas day, we roused ourselves about 9:30 and had a nice breakfast and prepared for our day with Mary and John. So along with Cora & Eric we headed to their place and over more drinks we indulged in munchies, turkey, roasted on a charcoal BBQ, sweet potatoes and roasted turnip, stuffing and gravy, finished off with chocolate covered shortbread cookies and more crepes with fresh fruit.

In the evening we walked to the square for ice cream and a walk around the park, and on our way home, as we rounded the corner to our street we were accosted by Chellie, (remember the owner of our corner grocery store) who is sitting in the street with most of his employees celebrating the season with a few beers.

About half of Chellie's employees, Chellie is on the box in the middle.

No refusing,,, we have to join them and after an hour or so communicating with our measly Spanish we excuse ourselves and come in the house and make it look like we’re not home, so we can have a little peace and quiet, and maybe sober up,,, LOL.

Next update will include the “stairway to the stars”, (I hope).

G’night, all, and hope you had a wonderful Christmas;


Categories: December '11, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

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