What A Week

Wow, where do I begin, I think you will soon realize why I haven’t added anything here this week.

At last report, we were off to “Scooby Doo’s” for supper with Len and Diane, well, we didn’t make it, (still another place to try) as we were turning the corner past the “Red Lobster” (not to be confused with the American version) we noticed Dr, John and Mary having supper, and ended up joining them. They had arrived about 2 hours earlier from Oregon and had unpacked just enough to head to bed. We had a great fish dinner, (as usual) and spent the evening with Len & Diane, watching the folks in the square. They really enjoyed the difference in the goings on in the Melaque square, compared to the one in Barra. Melaque is more Mexican orientated, where Barra is more touristy.

Monday was “install John”s satellite dish, “oh boy” another 2 hour job that lasted 2 days. First the new mast, that I brought for him was too small, so off we go the the “steel” man to have a spacer made, then to the body shop to have some parts cleaned and painted. Monday evening we joined the “poker gang” at Linda & Ron’s (I was second again) and then off to the festivities at the square in Villa Obrigon, the usual local talent on stage, a couple of amusement “rides” and of course the Castillo fireworks at about 11PM, followed by the rocket wielding “Toro”

The rocket Toro

Still running, but notice the rocket near my feet!

Even the kids run from this guy.

Tuesday, back at Johns’ to fight with the satellite again, after getting it bolted to the wall, I discover that his cable has coroded, so off to the hardware store for parts, a quick lunch and finally get the system working, but John doesn’t have the system activated and no way to call “Shaw” because his internet isn’t working yet. By the time we got all this done, it was only enough time to get home for a shower and be ready for Tere and Ray to pick us up for “cocktails” in Barra de Navadad at Tom and Frances’s. Wow they sure do know how to build fancy places in Barra.

A view from their second floor deck.


This only takes us up till Tuesday there is more to come.


Categories: December '11, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

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