Blogging 101

Well at least I now have a blog that seems to work, the next step is to figure what to put on it.

I feel like the guy on the pay toilet “here I sit broken hearted, paid a nickle and only farted”, kinda dating myself eh?

When I’m in bed, I think of all the wonderful ideas for this blog, but when I sit here at the computer,,, duuuuu,,, nothing. Maybe when we get the Christmas presents, Betty and I gave each other, (Android Tablets) which Jean and Eddy are bringing down for us in January, I’ll be able to quietly enter something in the night…. LOL.

Till then, I guess I’ll just have to make do with what I have.

We’ve been pretty busy for the last couple of weeks. There are more and more tourists coming to town, lots of people we have met before and lots of newbies.

Last week we went with Cora & Eric to La Manzanilla to install a satellite dish for another friend “Mexico Dave” whose full name is Dave Clark,,, yup, but without the five. LOL.

He has a place half way up the mountain, with a fabulous view, but a road that takes a 4 wheel drive to get up. They tell me that our Echo could make it, but I’m not sure. I guess we’ll just have to try, but if it can’t make it, it’s a long way to back down on a narrow, winding road.

The bay from Dave's place

Anyhow, after a 4 hour fight, in the hot sun, (after getting it installed once, the bricks we had drilled into started disintegrating, and we had to start over), we got him up and running. Dave took us out for dinner, and we had a wonderful meal at a restaurant on the beach.

La Manzanilla normally has one of the most fantastic beaches along this coast, but since the hurricane the beach has been eroded and a lot of debris piled up. They say, they are slowly cleaning it up, and with the next full moon the sand should return. Ain’t nature amazing? I didn’t get any more pictures, as my battery ran out, up on the mountain.

Sylviane and Jean

On the 4th we joined our friends to celebrate Jean’s 83rd birthday, (yup, there actually is somebody older than me) at “Mocaheti” (that’s the stew in the boiling hot lava bowls) wonderful food, wonderful time, and yes, I did burn the tip of my tongue.

Here's a bowl.










A new “kinda” supermarket opened up on the highway,  just past the Barra turnoff, Betty and I went on Sunday and picked up a fillet mignon (enough for the two of us) an two nice pork chops for 30 pesos, about $2.50. We had the fillet on the B.B.Q. on Sunday and the chops on Monday and they were the best we have had in Mexico. We will definitely be back.

The festival for “The virgin of Guadalupe” started a couple of days ago, and now we are serenaded with booming skyrockets at 4:30 in the morning, a parade and more rockets at 7 AM, more rockets at 11 AM another parade with rockets at 5 PM and rockets again around 11 PM. We kinda get used to it until one of the rockets goes off directly overhead and scares the “chit” out of you, as one did,  just as I struck the lighter under the B.B.Q. the other night.

Oh well, The “steel man” is supposed to come today and start installing our stairs to the roof, and tonight Len and Diane are taking us to “Scooby Doos” for supper, (payment for the satellite help).

Till next time, “keep smilin’,  it makes people wonder what you’re thinking about”!


Categories: December '11, Listed by Month, Mexico | Leave a comment

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