Let’s see if this works

Here we go again;
Well,,, as I was saying, (I really can’t remember what I was saying) so I’ll just start over.
It seems that no matter what I do, the “comment” button just won’t work unless you’re signed in, so forget it, and we’d love to hear from you via EEEkmail.
We went to Ava’s for U.S. Thanksgiving dinner, it was great, turkey with all the trimmings, key lime pie (with more pucker power that needed) and a pretty good band that played C. C. R. style. the three local musicians are fantastic, but the lead singer (who put the group together), left a little to be desired. But all in all a great evening.
While on the dance floor I bumped into a lady with a cast on her arm, and was afraid I had hurt her. It seems she was afraid she had hurt me with the cast. Anyway we now have new friends who have a fantastic home in Barra be Navadad. Somehow they found out that I have the equipment for setting up “Shaw” satellite dishes, so on Saturday we go to Barra to see what we can do. Len had, had some satellite guru work on his system and he had moved the dish, (because of trees?) but now the cable was about 20 feet short. We had to go back the next day with cable, and got the whole thing set up and working.
They joined us for our Saturday night poker, and Jean and I were the winners at our table again, (it’s starting to look fishy, Jean). LOL.
The weather is really cooling off at night here, down to 18 – 20 degrees, but it is still hot and sunny during the day.
The TV stand arrived as promised, and it looks great, (now, anybody need some bricks)?
I have spoken many times about our local grocery store, “Chelies”, here a couple of photos of the place.


The outside isn’t too impressive!


That is Chelie in the center and his wife Adrianna at left (under the cigarettes).


A little fresh produce.


Another view from behind Adrianna.

If this works I’m going to see if I can move all the other posts over here,

Wish me luck;


Categories: December '11, Listed by Month, Mexico | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Let’s see if this works

  1. Ken

    Finally got you Dan,using new web
    Pictures are great, glad you are having a good time
    Stay well guys

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